This week Sir T taught: “Healing Belongs To Us!”  We had some inspiring testimonies from call-in guests.  Then we shared a heart-wrenching video from a 6 yr old literally schooling her mom on how she expected her mom to behave when meeting with her dad.  Prof. Brian Peskin talks about cancer cures, another brother brings a message for us at Smith Wigglesworth’s Grave, and someone did some research showing that smart meters can misread power consumption not by a fraction, but a whopping 6 times the correct amount.  Another great un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp“Healing Belongs To Us!”

This week Sir T will be teaching: “Healing Belongs To Us!”
We also expect to have some inspiring testimonies from call-in guests!

Technology & World Highlight:

Sometimes it takes a child to get through the layers of cynicism that can build up as an adult. This 6 year old counsels her divorced mother on how to get a handle on her relationship with others.
A 6 year old girl give her mom a wake up calls a lesson of life after her parents been divorced

A message for us at Smith Wigglesworth’s Grave

–>iCure Cancer on ZenLive.TV w/Prof Brian Peskin on Zen – Hidden Story of Cancer

1 minute until 11:15

–>Electronic energy meters’ false readings almost six times higher than actual energy consumption

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