This week Sir T taught on “4 Steps to Get The Power of God in Your Life”.  Brother Joe Myers joined with testimony of some amazing miracles including an 18-20 foot tall angel!  We reviewed a video showing brain communications, as well as hearing testimony from a Chicago insider who stated that he had personally seen automatic weapons delivered to inner city inhabitants in Chicago.  Another great un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp & Brother Max“4 Steps to Get The Power of God in Your Life”

Hello All!
This week Sir T will be teaching on “4 steps to get The Power of God in your life”.
Another teaching that you will not want to miss!
Also, brother Joe Myers will be joining us with testimony of some amazing miracles including an 18-20 foot tall angel!

Technology & World Highlight:

We often hear stories of inner cities having problems with gangs and guns.  In Chicago where they’re especially tough on gun ownership, how do they procure all these weapons?  You’ll be surprised when you find out!
Where are all these guns coming from?


Brain and neuroscience has been advancing rapidly in the last decade or so. Researchers have been successful non-intrusively interfacing and interpreting brain signals then controlling hardware and communicating feedback. Quite remarkable.
How to control someone else’s arm with your brain | Greg Gage


–>Trump’s 1st Ex. Order Gutted IRS Enforcement of Obamacare, 1472


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