This week Sir T and Brother Max continue their teachings from “The Letters Of Jesus” to you!  SirT releases publicly the now tested concept of How to build a 400 Sq. Ft. structure (house) in one day for about $200!  We also review evidence for immortality in certain organisms on earth, and we answer your questions live!  Another un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp & Brother Max“The Teachings of Jesus! His awesome 7 letters to the church! Pt 6”

Hello All!
Sir T and brother Max continue their teachings from “The Letters Of Jesus” to you!
Another teaching that you will not want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

Is there an effective way to provide a simple house without incurring significant costs? Sir T will discuss a termite proof steel and plastic structure that can provide inexpensive livable space, depending on your climate. Build it in a day for about $200!



–>This Pyramid Was Built To Prevent The “END OF THE WORLD”!


From bacteria that are four million years old, to a jellyfish that can never die, are there lifeforms that appear to be immortal?
10 IMMORTAL Organisms


–>7 Awesome Gifts You Can Buy On Amazon UNDER $15


–>Heartwarming: Man Gives Hard Working Waiter A $300 Tip!


This is a link for possible flooring solution:
Dirt-cheap Dirt Floors


Questions & Comments:


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