This week Sir T and Brother Max continue their teachings on “The Letters of Jesus to the Churches.” Also, what’s the real cost of those ‘free’ internet sites?  And a set of intricate metal books was found in 2008 in a remote cave in northern Jordan. Recently scientists have confirmed the seventy 1800-2000 year old tablets are likely authentic and the portrait on them is likely that of Jesus Christ.  Another great un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp & Brother Max“The Letters of Jesus, to the Churches, Pt 4”

This week’s teaching will be, “The Letters of Jesus, to the Churches, Pt 4”
Advanced techniques and knowledge (Technologies) for your use today!
Brother Rand will be joining us to expound on how God and this ministry is changing the world even now! (Positive changes For the Kingdom of God!)

Technology & World Highlight:

So you thought the internet was “free”. Tracking and profiling internet users is more advanced than you might think and the web’s “free services” are no bargain if you value privacy.
The Terrifying Cost of “Free” Websites



A set of intricate metal books was found in 2008 in a remote cave in northern Jordan. Recently scientists have confirmed the seventy 1800-2000 year old tablets are likely authentic and suggest that Christ was not starting his own religion.
Scientists Determine 2000 Year Old Portrait is that of Jesus Christ





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