This week Sir T taught about “Eternity’s Joy.” We shared a very special video of former WITTS spokesman Ron Brandt, sharing from his heart, as well as demonstrating before a crowd his Remarkable Perm-Mag Motor.  We also discussed many other topics, and as always, your questions and comments.

  • Download the FULL show by clicking “Download” on this page, then choosing the format you want.
  • Audio-only of just the teaching here (right-click “save as”.) For entire list click Here.

Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Eternity’s Joy”


Technology & World Highlight:

–>Protege of Nikola Tesla and previous spokesperson for WITTS Ministries, Ron Brandt demonstrates his highly efficient Perm-Mag electric motor. This rare 1995 presentation gives a glimpse not only into technical details but also of an amazing engineer and humanitarian.
(The only video clip we have is in the program…No external link for it right now.)

–>THE END in 2016: The SHOCKING Predictions of 12 Mysterious Men…

A fascinating video we discovered:
Wintergatan – Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)


Questions & Comments:


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