This week Sir T taught about “The Greatest Of These Is Love!”, showing how the God-kind of Love makes a HUGE difference in life.  We also discussed the phenomenon of crystal pyramids (and pyramids in general) – thousands of which have been discovered lying all over the earth’s surface.  Also, “holodeck-like” tech is now available for artists – we show a clip and discuss.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “The Cure for Doubt, Fear and Unbelief!”

This week Sir T will be teaching “The Greatest Of These Is Love!”
How the God kind of Love makes a huge difference in life.

Technology & World Highlight:

–>Is it possible there is more to the stories surrounding the Bermuda Triangle than meets the eye? Diving teams from France and the United States have verified claims of very large glass-like pyramids on the ocean floor.
“Huge Crystal Pyramids” of Bermuda Triangle Cause Wrecks – Ancient Civilization Structures

If you enjoy being a little artistic with pencil or paint, this new tech from Google might catch your eye. With a 3-dimensional canvas, you can sketch a digital virtual reality that could eventually lead to something akin to Star Trek’s holodeck.
Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective


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