Sir T taught on the topic “The Great Omission!?”  Brother Max shared a recent testimony, and many fascinating questions and topics were discussed during this week’s program.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “The Great Omission!?”

You’ve probably heard of “the Great Commission”, but what does SirT mean by The Great Omission?  Listen to this week’s teaching to learn more.

Technology & World Highlight:

–Do we have the ability to unlock the neurological processes required for extraordinary intelligence, skills and talents? Science is discovering it’s not nearly as difficult as one might think.
Neuro-Awareness: The Real Secret

Kids Do Amazing Things – Intuition Process | Art of Living

–Dr. Jennifer Daniels explains her journey from ineffective MD to successful healer once she looked outside her pharmaceutical training. It wasn’t without consequences however, since no deaths and few prescriptions would lead to new challenges from the system.
UK Column Dr Jennifer Daniels- The Health Revolution- E11 pure turrpentine miraculous healing subst
–More unusual formations are being found on Mars and being analyzed by activists. This unnatural formation is reminiscent of recent UFO sightings in El Paso, Texas where many witnesses saw a cubic or rectangular object moving through the clouds.
ANOTHER Alien Cube Structure Now On Mars HIRES Image! Share Now 7/16/2015



Guests / Callers:

Brother Max called in and shared a nice story.
Sir T shared a recent testimony from a listener putting into action what he learned on our broadcast – and showed some pictures that were a result of that effort.

Questions & Comments:



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