Sir Timothy taught a great message about the birth pains the world is in right now, and the good news we can put our hope in!; Our Guest is the acting President of the Republic, for the United States, James Geiger.  He spoke about the office, and why it is crucial at this time.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “GOOD NEWS about Worldy Troubles”

There is GOOD NEWS, as this old world is experiencing more and more troubles.
Jesus likened it to a woman about to give birth, having child birth pains.
She is about to give birth to the Kingdom of God!
And there is more good news!
The bible tells us that, if we meet a few requirements, WE DO NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THESE CHILDBIRTH PAINS!
This applies both literally, for women, as well as for all of us going through these last days, and into THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Sir T will be expounding on these truths from the Word of God.  Another Inspiring teaching, that you will not want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

–Electrical phenomenon could be the more important aspect of our solar system than conventionally taught astrophysics. Sir T will have a few thoughts on dominant energy and how it pertains to planetary mechanics.
The Electric Sun (Circuits In Our Skies)
55:00 to 1:02:00
–Dr. Caroline Leaf describes her “Science of Thought” process and how she developed tools and processes that help people develop and change their thinking and subsequent behavior.
Switch On Your Brain

GUEST: : “President of the Republic, for the United States, James Geiger”

Americans are discovering how the US Corporation, posing as the Federal Government has caused harm, both to themselves and Nations around the world.
This week we welcome the acting President of the Republic, for the United States, James Geiger. We’ll get the latest status on the efforts being made to restore the government established by the original constitution adopted in 1787.
Jim Geiger – President of the Republic, For the United States.
Dan Owens – Vice President
Republic for the United States of America

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