#236 God's Word, God's Promises, for a WONDERFUL Future!; Guest Brother Buster: Farming, Minerals, & Cancer Rates
on February 28th, 2015 at 8:55 pmSir Timothy taught about “God’s Word, God’s Promises, for a WONDERFUL Future!”; Brother Buster joined us again to share a wealth of information, and some startling conclusions, regarding the mineral content of farming soils and it’s relationship to real cancer rates in humans. He also shares some intriguing solutions to this problem!
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “God’s Word, God’s Promises, for a WONDERFUL Future!”
Technology & World Highlight:
Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include…
GMOs Are Destroying Our Food Security (and Heirloom Seed Treasures)
–Gabe Brown shares his keys to building a healthy soil. Very enlightening presentation illustrating the fallacy of monoculture, artificial fertilizer, and chemical use in most commercial farming.
Gabe Brown: Keys To Building a Healthy Soil (Start to 13:22)
–Developed by professor Kratky from the University of Hawaii, a simple hydroponic setup that would allow you to grow plants in a static nutrient solution without the need for aeration or electric pumps.
Off-Grid Hydroponics Experiment – The Kratky Method & Floating Raft Hydroponics (1:47 to 10:50)
Guest: Brother Buster: “Farming, Minerals, & Cancer Rates”
Our guest tonight Buster used to farm commercially and has studied extensively into alternative health. For him, it is worth one year of expensive private college education exposing the 1B lies being taught. He will explain further and has notes and graphs to demonstrate the relationship between our agriculture, soil deficiencies and our health. Worthwhile information so one can start implementing changes necessary to reverse the harm done to our biomes.
Guest Notes: Brother Buster’s Mineral Deficiency Graph:
Buster’s Website – https://sites.google.com/site/plants4444/
More misc notes and links from Buster – Buster with specific written detailed information covering the graph, health, steps to help protect people’s wealth such as using cash as barter, sources of really good financial steps for understanding what is happening, mind manipulation in advertising, etc.
- My (Buster) links and notes with ++++ separating them.
http://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2014/May/mineral-deficiency.jpg What do you think of this GRAPH tracking the drop in milligrams mineralization (phosphorous top left, selenium second etc. – left side) in the food per 100 grams 95% with lines per mineral from 1900 to 2012 (decades bottom) along with ammonium nitrate, pesticide, herbicide, fungicide GMO & glyphosate (middle) used in agriculture? From the bottom left to the right, the graph lines also shows how cancer obesity heart conditions is climbing rapidly along with asthma skyrocketing per 100,000 people on the right side.
Our guest tonight Buster used to farm commercially and has studied extensively into alternative health. For him, it is worth one year of expensive private college education exposing the 1B lies being taught. He will explain further but people without studying the graph will not realize the significance of that information.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/25/food-minerals-soil-health.aspx full article. Takes longer to load with video option for the whole interview. There is a popup window which can make the screen go black for a while. (Feel free to not sign up and go away). A person can click on not signing up and proceeding. You can also download the transcript about 30 pages or just the webpage about 8 pages very most important information with the super important 4 GRAPhS OR CHARTS with short notes in between showing how important minerals are for soils, then plants and then for people.
http://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2014/May/minerals-up-down.jpg This chart shows asthma going up 4112% from 1980 to 2011.
https://sites.google.com/site/plants4444/ This rough site has options further down in growing better food such as 1M pounds of food on 3 acres of organic aquaponics per year. And near the bottom how debt created money is giving certain super families in the world the power to make such alterations over the years. – more information is being planned on being posted over time here.
As demineralization increases, disease rates rise, as indicated in the following chart. Dr. Dunning also scoured the archives of the CDC, NIH, American Heart Association, and other agencies, tracking the incidence of disease over the same periods, and came up with the second chart below. As you can see, a very clear pattern emerges when all this information is combined. http://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2014/May/minerals-up-down.jpg
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/25/food-minerals-soil-health.aspx full article.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yPjoh9YJMk Gabe Brown starts good with photos on soils in how tillage can destroy or rebuild soils. Unfortunately they are more in the back ground and not as easily seen as they should be later on.
I would like the video link if possible also in the email so people find it easier to send to people.
http://www.naturalnews.com/048748_Food_Rising_grow_box_production.html The Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box grows enormous quantities of food without using electricity or soil. It requires no weeding and uses no pumps, motors or complex parts of any kind. It grows highly-nutritious, mineral-rich foods using about 1/20 the water of conventional agriculture and about half the space of soil gardening.
Each person can start now in soaking organic sprouting seeds in quart jars and pure water with maybe some hydrogen peroxide to keep rotting down. They provide the super enzyme alive mineralized food that people are lacking. Bernard Jenson in Soils and Immunity on Amazon explains further how super soils = super foods = super health in humans and animals. +++++++++
- Video Link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yPjoh9YJMk Gabe Brown starts good with photos on soils in how tillage can destroy or rebuild soils. Unfortunately they are more in the back ground and not as easily seen as they should be later on.
- Cancer Scanned hand graph image – Attached is 2 scanned images of the
cancer rate going from (choose what works best for you). 1 in 80 100 years ago 1 in 14 1937 according to US newspaper reports when Max Gerson entered US. 40% in 2009 according to a cancer site 50% in 2020 according to a cancer site projection My graphing further showing virtually everyone in 40 years or less will get cancer at that rate.
Questions & Comments:
Q: Is there any way to get a hardcopy of this graph? The online version is a little hard for me to decipher. A: Bro Martin – Google: “How to bring minerals back into the soil and food supply”
C: (Brother Buster) is a wealth of information! May this man be kept safe in Yahshua the Messiah’s Holy name -and his family and friends as well !
C: Sir T, you have mentioned that bumblebees are an example of anti-gravity. I noticed that even honeybees are able to elevate so quickly! are they also an example of anti-gravity?
C: Sir T: (Consider bringing) Dr. Joel Wallach a naturopathic physician who talks about how the soil are mineral deficient and everyone on this planet needs these trace minerals. I use his supplements and they are the only ones that really work.
C: What do you recommend in the aquaponics for the best nutritional results?
Q: (can you) Use your Quantum Physics to Create an Antenna (Space/Ground) to Send/Receive Internet Signals Better ?
C: Soils all over the planet are seriously deficient in important minerals such as selenium and it is these trace minerals that activate the vitamins in the body.
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