Sir Timothy shared on the topic “God’s Medicine. What Is It? And How Do We Get It?”; We showed several videos for discussion, had an interesting caller and Sir T answered many Questions.  Our Guest Bennie Akkerman from the Netherlands shared how he and his daughter almost died one night – but God dematerialized them from a certain head-on collision while riding a motorcycle one night!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “God’s Medicine. What Is It? And How Do We Get It?”

Tonight, Sir T will be teaching on “God’s Medicine.”
What is it? And how do we get it?
There is power in HIS Word! Let HIS Word embrace you! Let the healing scriptures build into every fiber of your being! Theme scripture: Proverbs 4: vrs 20-23

Technology & World Highlight:

Our Video’s Tonight Include:
How To Make a 3 Penny Battery –
The only thing standing between you and a simple electric power source is just a few cents! You won’t believe how easy it is to construct a small but useful light from just a few items.

Volcano Eruption in Papua New Guinea
Astounding volcano eruption on video. You will be surprised by what happens as it blows debris thousands of feet in the air.

A Marine super soldier claims to have spent 17 years in the secret space program as part of the Earth defense force on Mars and the Moon. Decide for yourself.
Newspaper Editor admits he worked for CIA while working as Editor
Another media professional comes clean about his career. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – one of the largest newspapers in Germany – admits he worked for the C.I.A.
A former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – one of the largest newspapers in Germany – admits he worked for the C.I.A.

Guest: Bennie Akkerman – “God Dematerialized He and his daughter on their motorcycle, saving them from a sure head-on collision”

All the way from the Netherlands, called in to share a testimony of his being saved from sure death while riding a motorcycle late one night.

Questions and Comments:
C: Col 1(cat) Christ in Whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge.
C: Faith comes by hearing and hearing Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. the word of God Almighty Yahweh
C: 2Ch 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
C: Thats incredible Sir T, I just never heard of getting a temp up that high and surviving
C: Yes, this is GOD ANSWERING our corporate prayer.  Praise GOD!!!
C: Try some Niacin, while doing sauna treatment. It aids with detox. (Might want to try that out outside the sauna first)
C: Niacin causes a flush which can be scary at first
C: I’ve read that heat was the first medical treatment
C: Yahweh is a consuming fire\  –  –  This Deut 4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.   Heb 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.
C: 2 Cor. 4:4 satan is the god of this world
C: (Regarding the video of the reporter telling the truth) I watched a youtube of how CNN faked all their coverage during the Iraq war in 1990
C: Isn’t colloidal silver banned now in Europe (in 2010)?  We have it here in Australia and it works.
C: And those that work for a living are so busy like me that they cnn’t see straight when they aren’t working.
C: It is evident corruption is out there… But I must always speak out praise to those who serve Christ… And hold a position of authority.
C: I heard that Ebola can be effectively treat with Colloidal Silver. I also heard that the World Health Organization STOPPED shipments of Colloidal Silver to Africa because they (WHO) want them dead.
C: Silver: nothing can live in it.
C: The WHO ebola – silver fiasco was a plant….vitamin C is the magic bullet, not silver in this case –  Ebola produces a condition of acute scurvey…vitamine C is the cure for scurvey.
C: Also, this “ebola’ is actually something engineered and more like in the meningitis family of diseases i heard.
C: 59,000 children paralyzed from their vaccines in India
C: Correction to something I said in an earlier show: Glycerine is the ingrediant  in toothpaste that is bad for your teeth and not Glycol like I said.  Glycerine however is supposed to be good for your skin
C: Ethelyne glycol or propolene glycol is antifreeze

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