Sir Timothy shared on the topic “Our Authority and Prophesies which will shortly come to pass!” and our guest Brother Jim Libbey shared some amazing facts about the former spokesman for the ministry, Ron Brandt.  And some more amazing technology revelations were discussed.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Our Authority and Prophesies which will shortly come to pass!”

Does GOD tell us the future?
We know HE does.
So what does HE have to say is coming up directly?
We will be sharing on the near future invasion of USA.
And on the blessing side: What is the future of cold fusion?  What really is it? And is there a way for God’s children to profit financially from this upcoming reality?
Remember that the blessings (reaping of good things,) is for the Godly children of God. That is us! Remember the curse (The reaping of bad things) is for the ungodly, So the good things are for the children of God. The scriptures bear this out in Deuteronomy when God talks about the blessings that come from serving HIM and the curses when we act self-centered. See Deut 28th chapter.
The New Testament also bears this out, then it tells us, “we are not under the curse , but we are under the blessing.” Galatians 3:14

Technology & World Highlight:

–On past programs we’ve discussed how naturally occurring fields are employed in high tech dominant energy machines. But can we observe the effects of these on everyday hardware, electronics, etc.?  Sir T has seen some unusual anomalies encountered when working with these dominant energies over the years.  He’ll share some common symptoms which leave the experts scratching their heads.
–Raised up in a strong Hindu family, in 1978 Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj experienced a life changing event while listening to a speaker at a public auditorium. After four supernatural encounters, his lifelong plan of becoming a neurosurgeon ended and he became a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ.  A remarkable story!
The Mysteries of the Kingdom – Session 3 – Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
–A few weeks ago the WITTS family took authority over the deceitful news media. It wasn’t long before this became available on CSPAN.  Richard Gage, founder of “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” discusses their evidence that Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition on September 11th.  This aired live on August 1st.
MediaOne Services – Richard Gage: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Guest: Brother Jim Libbey: “Interesting Facts about Brother Ron Brandt”

He also shared something he learned about Lyme’s Disease – there is a special herb called “Teasel Root” that really helps with it, as well as with the pain from it.
Interestingly enough, Brother Jim showed us a picture (found by Brother Jackson) of former spokesman Ron Brandt in his workshop with the 40kw generator on his workbench!  This was from a magazine called “Extraordinary Science” published in the ’90s.  We also found a version / copy of it on scribd:
Brother Urban Rand also called in and shared a couple very interesting testimonies.

Some Questions & Comments From the Show:

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