#208 His divine seed lives inside of us, and we do not sin, because we are born of God !" John 3:9; Guest: Brother Max – Music & Miracles
on August 16th, 2014 at 10:12 amSir Timothy shared on the topic “His divine seed lives inside of us, and we do not sin, because we are born of God ! John 3:9” and our guest Brother Max shared more of his amazing insights, experiences with God, and visions.
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “His divine seed lives inside of us, and we do not sin, because we are born of God !” John 3:9″
It’s truly a startling and amazing and mysterious scripture! What does God mean by this statement!
Could it be that Gods DNA is already in us?! Has the promised genetic upgrade already begun?
A great teaching tonight you will enjoy putting into practice.
–We have had an awesome gathering these last few days! For those who missed it we will give testimonies about the wonderful things God has done here!
Technology & World Highlight:
Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include:
Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suBp3ai-xG8
The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER… (beware some really loud and heart-felt gratuitous cuss words.)
Guest: Brother “Max”: “Visions, Insights, Miracles, and Music”
Quite a few scriptures were referenced including Daniel 12:6 – 7 – when the power of the holy people is no longer being shattered, all these things will end.
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
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