#202 Authority Over Demons, Disease, and Everything on this Earth!"; Guest Brother Nathaniel Evans – An Uplifting Word
on July 5th, 2014 at 9:00 pmSir Timothy shares on the topic “Authority Over Demons, Disease, and Everything on this Earth!” There were many questions from our audience as well as an uplifting Word from the Lord brought by our dear Brother Nathaniel Evans.
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Authority Over Demons, Disease, and everything on this Earth!”
As always, an excellent teaching both from Sir Timothy and guest Brother Nathaniel Evens.
***A word of warning: The caller late in the show promoting a device called ‘aquatune’ later called us and basically retracted all his positive comments, stating that there were not any great improvements in performance at all. We heard this from 2 additional people as well who tried it, found almost no improvement, and also could not get the company to refund their money, contrary to what their website seems to imply as a ‘moneyback guarantee.’***
Technology & World Highlight:
Brother Jim called in to share more amazing experiences with the battery Quickener! He is now charging 2 of his cell phones (batteries) to full charge in such a short time, that it is almost beyond comprehension!
Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include:
John Perkins “Confessions of a economic hitman” and how to reverse the world economic crisis. A former chief economist who advised the US Treasury Department and the IMF, explains the reality of the current Death Economy. The way to release ourselves from the death grip of corporatocracy is to change the economic model by which we live today into a Life Economy. This entails: cleaning up our messes, developing alternative energies and innovations in agriculture, and leaving a world to our grandchildren that’s worth living in.
“Confessions of a economic hitman” and how to reverse the world economic crises
Retired Air Force Generals indicate UFOs will intercede if there is a nuclear crisis. So how does this factor into the almost daily news of countries being painted as dangerous because of their ability to build or obtain nuclear missiles or warheads? Who’s pitching the propaganda?
Ret. Air Force generals say UFOs Will Stop A Nuclear Holocaust
We Didn’t show this video, but discussed it, and will likely show it on a future show. You can see it here: another doctor warns us about the problems with vaccines: Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny warns about the perils of vaccination and the one sided message from the industry and our public agencies set up to oversee them.
Vaccine’s Safety: A Crime Against Humanity
Guest: Brother Nathaniel Evans – “Testimony & A Message from God’s Word”
Brother Nathaniel Evans who will be sharing his testimony and some uplifting thoughts from God’s Word, Acts 10:38!
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
C: Speaking of authority over unclean spirits, I get people with unclean spirits move into my neighborhood and cause problems for others. I got so fed up with it that I started commanding against the unclean spirits in such and such house across the street etc. I just most emphatically stand against the enemy in my spirit. Every time the people who are hosting the unclean spirits move out. They are not willing to part with the unclean spirits so they move out along with them. I have learned that there is so much power in this that I now am a little more careful with it. I do care about the people in the house so it is not without a little sadness in my heart that I do this. It would be better if the people were saved instead.
C: My research of late shows a increase of Ufo active to be around 80% within the last two years and is increasing …..
C: VERY interested in (to hear more detail about) Sir T’s dream TX
C: According to Pastor Howard Storm, when he asked Jesus if the world will be destroyed by mankind, Jesus assured him that He was not going to let God’s creation be destroyed. Yet, in the end of the book of Revelation, those who are destroyers of the earth are cast into the lake of fire.
Q: Has anyone noticed that the Media seems to be getting the public to be Used to the idea that Ufo’s are around and a lot of Tv shows about earth invasion in one way or the other… for example: Falling Skies , Under the Dome, Walking the Dead , True Blood and so on……
C: Genetic modification designed to make mankind sterile.
C: The King of lies needs a tongue to tell his lies. The King of lies owns the World Media and wants you to believe that world and freedom of it’s people is about to end and that there is no hope……The truth is that if you don’t have faith in God, the King of lies wants to down-play God and his roll in our salvation. Praise our Father and His son.
C: Brother Kyles self charging battery was a Ni Cad
C: Great testimony Sister Adrienne! Now we are all going to be trying that out…and seeing it happen for us too.
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