#190 The Sons of God; Power Grid Vulnerabilities; Why is a Factory Necessary?
on April 10th, 2014 at 12:50 pmSir Timothy shares on the topic “The Sons of God”, and shared a recent personal healing. We also revealed a bit about the power grid vulnerability all over the world, and devoted some time to thoroughly explaining the necessity for a factory in order to make quantum energy powered systems widespread for mankind. We also showed a 376mpg car made in 1973…by an oil company!
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “The Sons of God”
Well worth listening to and taking notes!
Is 58:8
Technology & World Highlight:
Power Grid Vulnerability Alert:
We recently received an article written by brother Jerry Carlow discussing the vulnerability of the often under-appreciated electrical grid. Particularly in modern industrialized countries, having readily available power is of the utmost importance, however we often ignore or forget this precarious position we’ve created. We discussed some of the problems of being reliant on this technological misstep and how we must change the way we utilize electricity.
Be sure and review Jerry’s article here: The Imminent Vulnerability to Collapse of our Electrical Grid!
Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include…
High mileage car. 376 mpg!
Volkswagon announced a new automobile that will achieve in the realm of 300 miles per gallon. Although it’s still unclear if this vehicle will be mass produced or even if it will be available in the US but it does demonstrate that there is vastly more energy in a gallon of gas than we’ve been led to believe. This program we revisit a subject we’ve discussed before and show a much simpler car that obtained a documented 376 mpg back in 1973! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II1_Vg8dP64
The Scariac (Poor Mans Variable Power Controller)
Utilizing inexpensive plastic pipe and other items, this “Poor man’s power controller” might come in handy for the home electrical experimenter. Although we don’t recommend this for anyone that doesn’t have a good working knowledge of electricity and safety… it could be useful in a pinch. There is a reason it’s been named “Scariac”, caution should be exercised! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9UjxG8sN1c
Guest: No special guest this week
Callers: Brother Tom Rambow called in to tell us about the blood moon happening next Tuesday! This is especially significant since it’s also happening on an a Jewish feast day! See a little more about it here.
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
C: WITTS prayer warriors are LIFE savers…thank you all for your prayers.
C: Sir T. thanks for the personal spiritual healing witness. So I also say Thanks to Jesus for that miracle.
Q: I was beginning to contribute monthly and I have been attacked by the enemy in multiple instances and I am unable to contribute like I want to. My rant is to pray for protection for your covenant partners while they support you, because the enemy doesn’t like us supporting you. We want to help you guys but I am struggling
C: Rolling brown outs for the electrical grid with the current administration policies toward energy
C: Fallen Man ONLY knows how to destroy, Jesus Came to give us LIFE!
C: WITTS is just so cool! Pretty awesome group of people
C: In 2011 I was working in a random mans house and he began to prophesy to me saying God would Bring Three men into my life to help me go further, Then soon after I met Sir T, All the sudden started talking to my nephew Kyle and went to a spirit filled church of healing and met my pastor. God has changed my life and my mind. I am thankful for all the WITTS team does.
C: Is there any truth to the “shortage” of helium gas? The hardware store where I work sells it. (Airgas) that supplies our welding gas notified us aulB hardware) beginning of this year 2014 the earth is running out of helium. By the end of 2014 helium will possibly become unavailable. Last year prices suddenly went from about $100 to $200 per refill, now the 300 cu. ft “balloon” helium tank refill prices in Lititz Pa. is upwards around $300 per refill.
Q: Why has WITTS not opened this up to a business plan approach. Crowd sourcing (using large groups of people) funds considered? Is there a public-stock or private-stock considerations?
C: Regarding the blood red moon and passover: true Passover is 14th of abib that was last Wednesday the first of abib is the vernal equinox according to the bible. What to think of the dual info about the passover?
C: Brother Tom Rambo was saying Jews came with Columbus. I did not know this. But, there is a boulder in New Mexico with ancient Hebrew 10 commandments inscribed. It has been studied and believed to be quite old.
Q: QUESTION…..Did Sir T read about a recent discovery of in Earth water more than of all the Oceans combined? They have found underground Water that exceeds all the water on the Surface. Has Sir T heard this. The waters of the Deep from Genesis?
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