Sir Timothy Thrapp teaches on “The Love of God. The Lamb of God. The Greatest Force in The Universe” and Brother Rob Cook shared about his lifelong project:  The Amazing Cook Inertial Drive Engine.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – The Love of God. The Lamb of God. The Greatest Force in The Universe.


Technology & World Highlight:
The Death of Rocketry Preview
A preview of the book, The Death of Rocketry by Joel Dickinson and Bob Cook. The history of the Cook Inertial Drive covering some of the implications involved once devices like this are more commonly available and put into practical use.
Dean Space Drive

Guest: Brother Rob Cook – The Cook Inertial Drive (CID) Engine

During past broadcasts Sir T has discussed inertial propulsion devices and their suitability for various forms of transportation, including space travel.  This week brother Rob Cook joins us to talk about his CID Engine (Cook Inertial Drive) project based on his father’s work starting in 1968 on inertial propulsion machines. The principles and workability have been proven in actual hardware tests, even propelling a small boat with passenger.  Another promising technology that opens up many options for future transportation and other applications requiring a linear motive force. 

Some Questions & Comments From the Show:


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