#179 Walking as Sons of God In This World; Brother David Kaas – Health Benefits of Energetically Spun Fluids
on January 24th, 2014 at 12:53 pmSir Timothy Thrapp teaches on “Walking as Sons of God In This World” and Brother David Kaas shares what he has learned and personally tested regarding Health Benefits of Energetically Spun Fluids.
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – Walking as Sons of God In This World Are you walking as Sons of God … or as mere men? (see 1Cor 3:3 and 1 John 4:17) Another empowering teaching that you will not want to miss! So far, millions have been empowered by God’s word for more success in their daily lives. You are invited to become part of this team in these last days of this old world and the beginning days of God’s New World.
Guest: Brother David Kaas – Health Benefits of Energetically Spun Fluids This week’s guest is David Kaas, author of Farm Physics, who will be presenting his ideas on energetically spun fluids to aid in health and wellness. Using a simple technique anyone can learn, brother Kaas will explain how subtle energies can be employed to help our health in dramatic and profound ways! He shows how to “South Spin” fluids and explains the background on the procedure in the videos below:
A New Cure For Cancer & Everything Else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWApeCYob1U
A new cure for cancer – lesson 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_kdxwGkSWU
Brother David also recommended a book he wrote called: Farm Physics – a new cure and more and said it can be found on Amazon.com or Publishamerica.com
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
Q: What is the fastest sit T has gone in a centrifugal propulsion machine. and what is the fastest he has gone in an electronically controlled propulsion device?Q: hey all… just dropping by (I’ll be in & out) to ask for your FAITH-EMPOWERED PRAYERS for my Mother… who was diagnosed with breast cancer this week. She’s what I would call a “borderline” believer… goes to a weak church. It’s what the Dr said is a “class B” on his A/B/C scale, totally operable. 1.2×, right side. Missouri. She’s convinced she has to get operated on…
Q: I have seen miracles in both Yahshua (Yahweh’s salvation) first part is Yahweh’s name. Like Elishah or Elijah last part stands for Yahweh.
Q: I have seen a man, Pastor Thurman, who heals by addressing unforgiveness. Unforgiveness for a family female member in the left breast and unforgiveness of a friend/aquantance in the right breast….no jokeC: Isaiah 40:28-3128 Have you not known? Have you not heard?The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.He does not faint or grow weary;his understanding is unsearchable.29 He gives power to the faint,and to him who has no might he increases strength.30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,and young men shall fall exhausted;31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary;they shall walk and not faint.
C: rats cats: a cancer cure 40 years ago is a utube video very good on brezinkey clinic very good
C: yep…. Burzynski is battling a HUGE war against the FDA… has incredible results!
C: Revelation 19:6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
C: Clear Blue skies in Aus for the last week or so not a plane to be seen Praise God!C: human spoken words are carriers of spiritual powers… consider that. Our words may say either Jesus or Yeshua, our spirit puts the same power in both words. (remember, words are life & death) » and since the Holy Spirit resides in me, He empowers the different names with the same power
C: GOd through word created (spoke into) exsitance (all of this world)
C: Sir T. was left the hospital about a mile from here to go home to die. He had throat cancer He expected to suffocate in his sleep that night. He woke cancer free.C: Sir T., how could it be 47deg. last night North of Denali with the stars out?
C:(regarding repeating prayers) some say 1 Kings 18 give support for repeating prayers – Elijah prayed 7 times when God said it was time for the rains to come back… I struggle with that a little
C: I do that (making south spun water) for my garden water, I use south spun water! I grew some pretty large vegies this year!
C: I have been doing this (making south spun water) and adding it to my water jugs lately
Q: Bro David, does it matter how large the volume of water is when using your technique?
C: I did the soda thing… Flat in one minute
C: mine went flat in 13 seconds
Q: Marshal Arts talk about “Che”. Is this the same energy by another name?
Q: Can David’s system be used on solids ?
Q: Are Fresh made vegetable juices North Spin?
C: easiest method I found to find south side on magnet, throw it in the air while laying flat on your hand. North side will always attempt to face down.
Q: Has the Urine been tested for portine and sugers ? Yellow urine is a singe of De hyderation as well
Q: Is the water from mountain springs and rivers north spun too?
Q: I have a question for whoever – what would a queet do for a hybrid car battery?
Q: is the carbonation in soda and beer north spun…and is this on purpose so as to make us good customers for big pharma?Q: Question…..Orgone what is everyones thought on it and what is best to get it if its legit.
C: Regarding Orgone: hard to prove how to make it and the energy can be bad. I stopped making it. Just my thoughts.
Q: Which end of the magnet is south for your protocol…is it the end pointing to the south pole or the north pole if aligned with earth?
Q: would would be the impact of south spun water on growing duck weed and fish?
Q: PRAYER REQUEST, my dear friend has just been diagnosed with Leukemia,
Q: What might radioactivity’s effect (like from Fukashima for instance) on the electron spin of the water in the atmosphere and in the ocean?
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