Developing the Human Spirit – Health and Healing; & Prophecies To America

Sir Timothy teaches on Developing the Human Spirit – Health & Healing.  Our Guest Brother Stan Johnson from The Prophecy Club shared some important prophecies for America, and some of his own thoughts, recommendations, and background pertaining to those prophecies.

Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – Developing the Human Spirit – Health and Healing!

Some Notes from the Teaching:

  • 2 Peter 1: 1-4
  • Heb 12:9

Technology & World Highlight:
One of our video clips this week covered unusual healing techniques that are widely unknown or sometimes even mistakenly discredited.  Sir T has a unique perspective on these miraculous healings due to not only the ministry work and healing he’s seen and experienced first hand, but also how it might relate to the natural energies that are inherent in the environment around us.  A fascinating discussion on quantum / dominant energy and the connection with divine energies and healing.  This topic will no doubt expand your thoughts about the physical and nonphysical systems in place and working together as a part of the universe around us.

Guest-Topic: Brother Stan Johnson – Prophecies For America!

This week we are welcoming Brother Stan Johnson as our guest! In 1993, Brother Johnson began a short daily segment covering Bible prophecy on a local radio station in Topeka KS.  The show grew substantially, becoming known as The Prophecy Club, which eventually encompassed a daily television broadcast that was seen by an audience of nearly 25 million. The Prophecy Club’s basic message is one of biblical prophecy and warning and Brother Johnson shared some of his most recent information.
Check out Brother Stan’s Website:


Brother Robert called in and shared helpful information about GMOs to help you select produce in stores.

Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:

Q: If America aligns itself with a nation under God’s judgement,-even Israel, what result should Americans expect from God?
Q: How does Brother Stan feel about Jesus’ warning regarding false prophets arising at the end of the age in Matthew 24:11 ( and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. )
C: Thank you brother Johnson for providing to all who want to hear real stuff that many are afraid to talk about!
Q: If the prophecy comes forth as said, how do you the turn the course of an entire nation, enough to turn away the wrath of God?
Q: I am seeing a whole lot of evidence that we are already in the time of strong delusion is upon us.  What do you think?  Can this be from a biblical point of view?
Q: Shortly before I started following and joining WITTS, God opened my eyes to Revelation 17 and 18.  I could not help but see that the great    prostitute is those in the Church who ride the beast (who is of the dark side).  That is, the prostitute is the bride gone rotten by her prospering from doing business with the dark side.
C: I’ve been very blessed through The Prophecy Club’s ministry especially through the prophetic ministry of Ken Peters. Thank-you Stan for letting God use you. I’m sensing the same thing about the Dinar.
Q: (Linford Wenger) Are the 2 witnesses symbolic or literal? Is this prophetic of the Jews and Gentiles being empowered to call fire down according to God’s righteous judgment?
References & Links:

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