Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – God’s Will For You To Be Prosperous!
Guest/Topic: Randy Urban – Is it Sinful for Christians Not to Seek the Truth as to what the world actually is?

Intro: A Biblical Look at “Conspiracy” 

Brother Randy’s Notes: Is being deceived sinful?

Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:
Further Discussion:

One brother brought forth a video for those interested in alternative healing: Dr Robert Beck cheap but effective blood electrifier. Kills disease in the blood of many kinds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMlXd9hLpcY

Another brother shared:
(copied text)
In 1990, an astounding discovery was reported at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC by Drs. Kaali and Wyman, resulting in Patent No. 5,188,738 being issued in 1993 entitled “Alternating Current Supplied Electrically Conductive Method and System for Treatment of Blood and/or Other Body Fluids and/or Synthetic Fluids with Electric Forces.”.
This research work involved an in vitro & in vivo human Blood Electrification process, which electronically sterilizes the blood, resulting in all known pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus, being completely eliminated!
Their research had been anticipated 24 years earlier in 1973 with the research involved in Patent No. 3,753,886. Not surprisingly though, due to the stranglehold, that the Pharmaceutical Cartel has in the U.S., this revolutionary clinical data was almost totally suppressed. Other than a few News Articles such as the Science News: Mar. 30, `91 pg. 207, Longevity: Dec. `92/pg. 14, and Houston Post: Mar. 20, ’91 /Sect. A-10, plus the Patent No. 5,188,738, there has been a complete BLACKOUT since then in the News Media about this powerful medical technology.

References & Links:
The World`s Strangest UFO Stories – The Great Alien Conspiracy
Suggestions from the Chat:
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Get informed and involved in REAL World Improvement!  Help change our world for the better!
Sir T will be teaching tonight on: God’s Will For You To Be Prosperous!
Our guest for this week will be our dear Brother Rand Urban with a very thought provoking topic where he recently had these questions: Is it sinful for Christians nowadays to be blind and deceived to what the world actually is?  Is it sinful for them to be believing this fairytail spun by the dark side?  Indeed, do we keep our head in the sand and ignore the tough truths that seem to be revealing themselves daily?  Does the bible give us the answers?  This topic is very relevent to the subjects that WITTS teaches regularly.  Join us for the discussion!
Have you sometimes wondered if there really are secret “men in black” working in the shadows to cover up sensitive infomation?  Sir T has mentioned numerous times the top secret facilities that are used for advanced engineering projects.  Many people don’t like to consider their existence outside of hollywood movies.  Tonight’s video has a real “men in black” agent giving a short interview admitting to secret coverups taking place.
As is usually the case, this week’s show looks to be another fascinating insight into topics few ministries touch!  Please try to join us if you can!