#107 Love – The Way to Redemption; Guest Kyle Smith – The Sin and Sickness Connection & the Health and Redemption Connection
on September 5th, 2012 at 11:02 pm
http://www.witts.ws for more information.
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Love – The Way to Redemption
Guest/Topic: Kyle Smith – The Sin and Sickness Connection & the Health and Redemption Connection Part 1 of Part 2
Some Questions & Comments From the Broadcast:
–Can you explain the scripture that says, “Adam and Eve heard the sound of GOD walking in the garden?” Gen 3:5
–I’m a firm believer in positive thoughts and actions make things happen. but my spouse is constantly bombarding me with negative views on everything – any suggestions?
–How can i command money in my business? – how many % do I share on my tithe? Can you comment also on what ministry should tithe go to?
–Is there a way to protect electronics from EMP that cannot be stored in a Faraday Box?
–I have a lot of weeds in my back yard and no grass….what can a believer do to get rid of them…and what book was it Kyle mentioned by Kenneth E Hagin?
–I thought a lead casing was the only protection against an EMP? Can you explain when you need lead shielding?
References & Links:
Real Ancient Technology Found in Cuzco Peru 2012 New
Love – The Way to Redemption
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Get informed and involved in REAL World Improvement! Help change our world for the better!
Tonight Sir T will be teaching on, Love – The Way to Redemption.
Our returning guest will be Brother Kyle! He will be sharing, The Sin and Sickness Connection & the Health and Redemption Connection. Brother Kyle always brings interesting discussion when joins the show.
Also, we have a small change in our venue tonight so join us and find out what’s new!
Watch the show live on our new page: www.WITTS.ws/theshow or visit the regular Justin.tv site: www.Justin.tv/worldimprovement .
Don’t forget JT’s ebook is available on the WITTS Gifts Page. It is packed full of enlightening info on many of the WITTS technologies. All donations benefit a very important cause – World Improvement and WITTS Ministries.
Submit your questions live, in chat or at the email address below!
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss! If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE! God Bless You!
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