#101 The Covenant and the Contradiction Part 3; Tim Martin – Mind Control, AIDS, HIV, Vaccines
on July 25th, 2012 at 11:34 pm
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Covenant and the Contradiction Part 3; w/Brother Randy Urban with a new segment called “Power Thoughts”
Guest/Topic: Brother Tim Martin – Mind Control, AIDS, HIV, Vaccines
Some Questions & Comments From the Broadcast:
Q: Was reviewing the farmer’s website (last week’s Netcast) and came across the tesla cold plasma ozone generator. is this a product we can order from witts? and can you tell us a little about it. thanks.
Q: Any suggestions about getting the mercury poisoning out of your system? i have alot of mercury fillings and its expensive to get them removed.
Q: When My daughter was 3 years old she had a seizure for 55 minutes because of a vaccine, I believe the only reason shes healed today is because of the power of God.
C: Here is a recent example: They get someone to attack a theather full of people and then talk about it for weeks so we dont reist when they take our guns away.
C: I read that on the 27th july (in 2 days) at the Olympics, it is planned that Obama will sign the internation gun treaty.
C: The UN International Gun ban will help them disarm us globaly.
Q: Did anyone see the jesse ventura show on the manchurian candidate? really worth seeing.
C: Bitcoin is the worlds first decentralized currency No bank controls it , its inflation proof, its Peer-to-Peer, can you comment on it?
Q: How do we exert the authority of God over the so called government?
C: I’d like to Thank God for giving me the oppertunity to speak with 7 men who are all truckers and farmers. I got the chance to speak all about WITTS technologies and the Power of God. They were all positive and were very awake after it was over. They were amazied at brother farmers speech about gmo and other things. So Praise God for that!
C: Anyone who has ever taken beginning psychology in college can plainly see that the schools are in the business of distilling down human nature to it’s basic components so that this information can be used for the benefit of anyone who wants to use it. Wheter it is used for the good of humanity or the good of the highest bidder makes no difference. Usually it is used against many people for the benefit of the few.
C: I remember something about how believers will be judged according to what we’ve done with what we’ve been given… if we’ve been trusted with a lot, and have not made it grow (spiritually), we lose REWARDS, but not salvation. THANKFULLY… our sins have been removed from us (believers) as far as the East is from the West… \O/ – The Price was paid ONCE for ALL… no more sacrifice is needed, Jesus paid it all!… but it cost Him a LOT… more than we will ever know…In some other cities, I’ve seen that – if the Leadership (Coach) of the sports team is a believer, and calls his team to prayer… then the Spirit of the Lord is with them… it’s an awesome thing to hear the testimonies of these powerful Spirit-fill… we’ve had some players from the KC Chiefs give their personal testimonies in our Church, it’s inspiring.
C: Mercury fillings need to be removed safely. Normal removal procedure not safe. {See iaomt.org}
References & Links:
“Manufacturing Consent” with Noam Chomsky covers the more prevelant uses in corporate and government media messages and propaganda. Mind control not only exists in the secret CIA labs of black projects creating Manchurian candidates, but far more closer to home.
“House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic” introduced the flaws in the official story a few years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsT4GrimfLQ
See www.iaomt.org – info about mercury in teeth, finding a dentist for proper removal, demonstration video of how mercury fillings ‘smoke’ when heated or cooled slightly, releasing neurotixic mercury vapor into the body.
The Covenant and the Contradiction Part 3
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
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Tonight Sir T continues with last week’s topic: The Covenant and the Contradiction Part 3. After experiencing some technical problems during the live broadcast, he’ll take this opportunity to review some of what was missed and take it from there.
Brother Martin will be our guest tonight discussing the topic of mind control. The subject is rarely talked about in mainstream circles, however, mind control techniques are used widely in contolling populations as well as influencing your purchasing decisions. Today’s public relations industry is hardly more than mind control for hire. Do you ever wonder how your beliefs became part of you and how you perceive the world? A fascinating 1992 documentary on “Manufacturing Consent” with Noam Chomsky covers the more prevelant uses in corporate and government media messages and propaganda. Please take time to watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AnB8MuQ6DU Mind control not only exists in the secret CIA labs of black projects creating Manchurian candidates, but far more closer to home.
Also, we’ll have a short video covering the topic of AIDS and HIV and how things we’ve been told don’t add up. Scientists and doctors are coming forward recently to reveal HIV appears to be a hoax. For more information on the topic, a documentary called “House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic” introduced the flaws in the official story a few years ago. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsT4GrimfLQ
This week we’ve brought up a new page on www.WITTS.ws/theshow to watch the live show. We hope it will be a little less distracting than the Justin.tv webpage. Remember if you can’t join us live, please check out the archive!
Don’t forget JT’s ebook is available on the WITTS Gifts Page. It is packed full of enlightening info on many of the WITTS technologies. All donations benefit a very important cause – World Improvement and WITTS Ministries.
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Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss! If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
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We send you our LOVE! God Bless You!
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