Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Role of the Holy Spirit in this World Present Day!

Start with little things to build your faith – green traffic lights, soreness, headache, cold, flu, tiredness, etc.

Soak in the WORD min 1-2hrs daily at MINIMUM to build your faith.  Read Jesus’ words in Red.

SirT told a great story of the blessing of the Lord when he was bidding on a storage locker many years ago!  NOTE: God did not show him the vision UNTIL he acted in faith, in response to the inward guidance the Holy Spirit had already given in his spirit.  The act of faith was to make the bid at the unbelievable amount God had directed.

Guest/Topic: Dr. Samuel Kennedy from Italy – What the Bible Says about Intention
All of Dr. Samuel Kennedy’s 8 Books can be found on Amazon.com online: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=DR+SAMUEL+KENNEDY
Further Discussion / Questions & Comments:
–What Type of magnets should be used to help the pyramid energy increase. (for plant growth).  Also i have put the black plastic down on the ground and want to put a plastic pyramid over it.  Will i have trouble keeping the plants watered?  Is there anything else I can do to help plants grow?
–…scroll down for more!


Greetings to all in the name of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ!

Help change our world for the better, get informed and involved in REAL World Improvement!
This evening’s broadcast will include: The Role of the Holy Spirit in this World Present Day! Sir T will be teaching from a perspective few others seem to share.
Tonight’s guest is journalist, ordained preacher, motivational speaker, life coach and a creative writer, Dr. Samuel Kennedy.  Originally from West Africa, he has overcome widespread poverty to inspire others.
He says, “We need to change our worldview and try to look at the brighter side of things. We need to think solutions.”  Does this not seem like something you might have heard coming from WITTS?  We look forward toward sharing on tonight’s show!  More information about our guest can be found here: Samuel Takyi: You must know language, culture and system to succeed
Don’t forget to tune in and participate!  Submit questions live in chat or at the email address below.
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss!  If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE!  God Bless You!
10PM Eastern USA time. www.justin.tv/worldimprovement
The World Improvement Team

From: Samy Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 6:00 PM
  • It is only through separation from the crowd that we can commune with God and receive much from Him. After using a battery it needs to be separated from action and get charged.  It is the rotation of winded wires in between positive and negative magnet that produces electricity; it is the power of sunlight that shines on silicon sand cells connected to ribbons that produces solar electricity.  To be powerful as a believer in Christ, please spend time on the Word of God, commune with God in meditation, and profess and confess the word and you will see the power of God in your life.
  • WE ARE MAGNETS OF God’s glory, power, love, peace, abundance upon the earth. Without us, these cannot come upon the earth. Truly, the key to attract God to you and receive greatly from Him is to love Him deeply and be attached to Him always. Let me explain it using a magnet. If you have a magnet that is weak or small and you want to charge, all you will need is to rub the weaker or small magnet to a powerful and bigger magnet. Similarly, if we want to be strong and do exploits in life we need to constantly rub ourselves to God in reading His word, praying, meditating and constant fasting. This revelation came to me whilst listening to Sir Timothy of WITTS Ministries.
  • Electricity is not something that can be seen, yet its manifestations are real.  Similarly, though we cannot see God, His works are clear before us.
  • Love is stronger than death. That is why we cannot forget our departed ones.
More Discussion / Questions & Comments:
Comment: I agree that we must begin with little things – Every thought, every word, and every action. I was raised to look to Jesus to show me the way. I am often asked how can we remain positive, when many around us seem to be so negative. I keep Jesus.    Intention is a magnet Amen Thank you! Stay focused on the Good. Amen!
What Type of magnets should be used to help the pyramid energy increase. (for plant growth).  Also i have put the black plastic down on the ground and want to put a plastic pyramid over it.  Will i have trouble keeping the plants watered?  Is there anything else I can do to help plants grow?
What do you think of the Tariel Kapanadze generator? … How does it compare to your flux switch transformer? Stability is key difference.
This theory sounds a lot like “The Secret”.  Can you comment on that book/movie?
In the show “Muslims taking over America” they brought up eating meat offer up to false gods. do you recommend only buying meat from local farmers? because who knows if the meat at the stores is safe?  should we confess about it to be safe?
Answer: Batteries are MADE to run down intentionally.  The technology has been available since world war II to have batteries that won’t run down.