Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on How to Use Your Sonship (While You are Here)
Guest: Patrick Heron – Return of the Antichrist and the NWO
Reference: http://www.neph.ie – Brother Patrick’s Book’s he’s written.

Today’s teaching is entitled “Are You Using What You Have?”
We taught in past lessons on the subject of who we are in the family or God.
Ask yourself,  Do you know who you are in God? What are my rights and privileges? What powers did God give me when He said in Luke, that I will be “infused with power from on high”?
There is a saying, “USE IT OR LOSE IT”.  Did I lose it because I did not use it?
If So, How do I get those powers back?
These Questions will be answered on tonight’s “Advanced Technology Teaching”.
Don’t Miss It!
Learn to use the supernatural Power Of God, as never before!
If God be for you, Who can be against you!?  Romans 8:31
A exciting teaching, you won’t want to miss!
In keeping with our theme the last 2 weeks, The second part of the program, we are honored to have as our special Guest, Brother Patrick Heron.
He will be teaching on end times events.
He is a “Best Selling” author and teacher and public speaker from Ireland.
He has written many fascinating books on end times.  He has a great sense of humor and is a fascinating speaker.  And to top it off, his accent reminds you a bit of the famous actor, Sean Connery.
It is a wonderful opportunity to edify yourself and your friends.  Invite your friends to tune in,  It is a show they, (and you) wont want to miss!
God Bless You All!
Sir T and The World Improvement Team